
"The emperor is absolutely true!" The eunuch stretched out his hand and wiped his sweat. There is something wrong with this occasion today. After all, there are outsiders and I don’t know if it will have any impact.

"Father, please allow my son to go to quell the chaos!" Chu Lin reached out and smashed the table, and the ministers on both sides were startled and covered in cold sweat.
"good!" The emperor of Chu should have done it. There seems to be no faster way to deal with it.
They send 300 thousand people, so they send 500 thousand troops, so they can’t believe they can’t be pacified
"I have a plan that I don’t know when to speak improperly." When the atmosphere was tense to the extreme, the sitting man suddenly said that all eyes were attracted by him
Even the drunken Chu Yansha woke up half drunk and shook his head hard to finally see the man’s face.
"It turned out to be him!" Chu smoke sand small murmured sit Zhang Ziyan looked at the man turned and looked at her.
"Do you know the princess?" Zhang Ziyan asked curiously that the contents of the pot had been solved by her.
Chu Yansha shook his head and met by chance, but she really didn’t expect to meet again so soon, not to mention that he was the emperor of Yan, but he looked very young.
The Emperor of Chu was shocked to hear him say that. Supposedly, he came here today for no special purpose. Most people would not want to go to this muddy water. His remarks were somewhat unexpected, but he was not afraid of making enemies with Qin.
"Yan Huang, please speak!" Chu Huang hesitated for a moment, but there was still no screen back or so.
"It’s hard to make such a hard attack. It’s better to change the way." Ouyang Na explained that although Chu Lin was worried at this time, he still listened patiently.
"Please Yan Huang is all ears!" Chu got up and looked at him and said, Chapter 173 Entangled people and animals are trapped.
"good!" Another man nodded and replied with a whip, and quickly followed the man’s speed. The two quickly rushed to the capital of Qin to love the network LXS520co.
"It’s not too late for you to take revenge for ten years. We won’t be so long now, so we can be informal. When we get back, we will set up a cenotaph for our eldest brother." The corner of the male trotter’s eye is already wet.
"Second brother, we haven’t collected the body for eldest brother yet!" The man said with a sad face, another man felt that the soldiers in the rear had fallen one after another and held his breath very much.
A large number of Qin soldiers suddenly went bad and ambushed one after another.
"Shoot the arrow!" With a wave of his hand, Chu’s rear archers have long been ready to quickly pull their bows and arrows and shoot at those people in Qin.
The two men quickly sounded the golden bell to retreat, and a large number of soldiers of the State of Qin retreated and followed the big troops back. After the two men stopped flute, those trained black bears seemed to be able to understand something, and they quickly followed the big troops back with big strides.
"withdraw! Get out! " Two people in the mind is very chaotic, this has been dealing with, after all, it is not right for them to be in trouble in Qin and Ren Huang. If they don’t save them, wouldn’t they become sinners through the ages?
Qin Kai sent someone to say that finish for a long time before the two men glances slowly put the flute in their hands.
Seeing that their sworn brother has been killed, how can they not avenge him?
"The imperial city was suddenly attacked, and the emperor ordered two generals to hurry back to escort!" People in a flurry said that the two men didn’t hear him speak before, but they saw that Chu Lin and Chu soldiers were tortured like this, which was the most Japanese.
I was always defeated and bullied by the king of Chu, and this time I finally got a chance to avenge myself. It’s really gratifying!
"What is it? The two generals are fighting against King Chu Lin. Tell me what’s going on! " Keep two men around a big Hu Da said tone is not very good.
"The two generals are not good!" Just as the two armies were making love, a pair of people suddenly poured out from the rear. The two men looked over there, but they didn’t stop whistling.
At this time, the two male flutes didn’t stop, and those big black bears seemed to be endless, which was a headache!
Su Shiyuan just then, there has been a big black bear coming towards the two men, and the soldiers of Chu no longer hesitate to pour out, and the two armies immediately fought together.
Su Shiyuan shook his head. "We are all fine!"
"Don’t say that in the future. I want you to live well!" This sentence touched the apex of Chu’s heart, and suddenly it poured out to limit bitterness.
She has thought about many things, but there is nothing better than living and dying together. Maybe it is negative, but it is the most practical in her heart.
"I didn’t come because of the danger! I’m not going back. Let’s live and die together! " Su Shiyuan said this with tears in her eyes. She didn’t know how to deal with those enemies before Chu Lin, but now that he has her, she doesn’t want him to be worried when he goes out to war. She hopes to help him.
"Luca brasi, why are you here is particularly dangerous! Go back quickly! " Chu Lin heard the black bear howling and turned to look at Su Shiyuan’s slender figure. The two men turned their heads back to back for fear of another big black bear coming.
"This Qin Kai is really promising to be with these beasts all day." Su Shiyuan quickly rushed to this side with a black iron sword in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the black bear suddenly fell to the ground and was bleeding, but after struggling for a moment, he seemed to get up again as if he didn’t know the pain. Su Shiyuan’s eyes were staring at this black iron sword. Will it be like this?
But the big black bear waved the body, but it didn’t fall to Chu’s eyes. A squint at another black bear has already descended.
Chu Lin’s sword in his hand has been tightly held in his hand, and all the forces have been transported to the body of the sword. With a wave of his hand, the big black bear, which has been madly attacking, suddenly came to the miserable howling and releasing the Buddha, and the earth trembled with it.
Those big black bears have thick fur, and many soldiers stabbed them with their swords, but before they came out, they were already pressed by the big black bear, and the situation was tragic.
"Look out!" Su Shiyuan exclaimed that two men in the camp of the State of Qin seemed to have forgotten everything, and the front of them was full of several masters. Gradually, Chu soldiers could not see them.
Those big black bears are adult big black bears, and they are not less than three meters high. Where have the soldiers seen these? I think these big guys are even more scary than the first contact with leopards!
Two men took out a flute from the bosom and drummed their gills to help blow it up. Everyone from far and near suddenly felt the shock to their feet. More than a dozen black bears ran straight towards the Chujun camp and attacked here in Chu!
They promised that it was not silver and beautiful women, but they also had them in Chu!