
Just now, it was said that if the two major forces in Beijing say that the golden breeze and drizzle building are biased towards the court, then the hostile six-and-a-half-hall is just the opposite, and it is heard that people like Cai are connected behind the six-and-a-half-hall.

The most urgent thing for A Jiu at present is that this famous Cai Xiang is better than two tricks.
But it will have to wait until the emperor opens his mouth, and now she is anxious.
On this day, Hugh Mu just met Su Mengzhen to discuss this matter, so he spent most of the day leaving it to A Jiu to get along with his feelings, and there was not much time left.
But neither of them cares about their children’s affair. What they see in their eyes is a broader world, a country of the Song Dynasty and a country of the people.
Even when they returned to Shenhou Mansion and sat together, apart from occasionally saying a few witticisms, most of the time it was also a matter of Yu Chaotang.
Although the snowstorm in these two days is still not small, it can be a little reassuring because the court has arranged people to do snow disaster prevention.
"A Jiu, I’m afraid that Cai Xiang already knows about your meeting with the landlord today. You need to get ready early. It’s not far away when you and he confront each other."
Love words are a wake-up call to A Jiu’s heart, so it seems a little anxious. Of course, this is also an eagerness that can be seen from the situation.
"Brother, although I am prepared in my heart, I am a little flustered and anxious. These days, I have helped my father to deal with the memorial. Even if I have never really given a powerful command, I can still feel that holding that pen will affect thousands of people in Qian Qian and affect the whole Song Dynasty."
A Jiu’s words here, but she didn’t finish her feelings. It is clear in her heart that Jiangshan is too heavy. She feels the pressure. There is also a little fear that she will accidentally harm the country of Dasong and affect the lives of the people.
In fact, if it weren’t for the nightmare that haunted A Jiu every day, maybe A Jiu would really be a worried little princess, and she wouldn’t have any of these things.
Love didn’t say anything comforting. It was squeezing A Jiu’s hand as if he could give her strength and pass it out from these hands.
A Jiu sighed with a slight frown, and her eyebrows were full of firmness. Although her heart was still uneasy, she never thought about giving up.
In fact, she is not the kind of person who is particularly determined, as everyone thinks. Maybe her strongest will is here, and she will be confused.
This is also human nature.
For the two of them, even when they are together, they talk more about the affairs of the court and the rivers and lakes, and there is not much affection for their children. However, if two people are in one place, even a sigh in one eye is a tacit understanding and affection for each other.
This ever-flowing stream warms people’s hearts all the time, and their feelings are exactly what they yearn for each other most. Their feelings are getting stronger and stronger, just as the longer the beautiful wine is brewed, the more mellow it will become.
In order to avert suspicion, all parties in the court pay great attention to each other, and A Jiu is a disciple of Zhuge Shenhou. Now it is really not right to go back and forth too often.
Therefore, A Jiu always quietly left when it was dark, and the situation remained in that small building, with treasures and treasures waiting for her.
Chapter 494 Chapter 494
No one dared to ask this in front of Cai Xiang, and he never heard it said. But today he heard it, or he heard it in A Jiu’s mouth.
Cai Xiang’s eyes are great and sharp. He looks at A Jiu like this, but A Jiu is not afraid. He even appreciates his calm appearance.
Suddenly, he smiled, which often makes people afraid, but A Jiu was not afraid. She felt that she might get her satisfactory answer soon.
"Temple, I have never forgotten, it is …"
What is Cai Xiang’s unfinished words? Is it attractive, rich and confusing?
"Adults don’t need me to say these scenes. Adults’ abilities are great in the DPRK, but they are not firm enough. Is it really peaceful and prosperous as everyone can see?
I have thought that the Song Dynasty was peaceful and peaceful, and the world was clear. I wonder if Cai Xiang would like to help me? "
A Jiu asked bluntly, but Cai looked at her with a bit of surprise. He even bluntly said, "My name is not good. Some people say that my ambition is far from your Zhuge God. Are you kidding?"
"Cai Xiang, I won’t be kidding you. Adults can consider whether to promise me or not. If not, then I can also give up my adult’s ability."
Speak tactfully, but the conversation turns a bit threatening, but who dares to do this to Cai Xiang? Oh, A Jiu is the only one
Here is Cai Xiang, a weak student in the palace. Even if A Jiu is a woman, his skill is also ranked first in the Jianghu. If A Jiu wants to start work, Cai Xiang will not get out alive.
A Jiu, this is a real threat, but Cai Xiang is as calm as ever and doesn’t seem to worry about his life.
"The temple is so bold. If I follow the temple, can I show the minister what happened when King Wen was alive?"
Some people care about their own lives, especially when that person is in a high position, but they don’t care about their own lives. On the contrary, they care about other things.
But Cai Xiang’s concern is not that he is rich or not. At this time, he is still looking forward to the picture in his heart. He has been considering whether A Jiu wants to find that person. There are many people who elected Zhao Wangfu to inherit the throne in the court, but Cai Xiang has never come out.
Perhaps when Cai Xiang recommended them, it would mean that he had the desire to give up being a minister and do what he wanted.
"That’s what I want, too. If Cai Xiang wants to be King Wen once, then I will not be worse than the first emperor. I wonder if this answer is full of Cai Xiang?"
It’s such a pity that the first emperor and the king of Wen had a heart for the people, but it touched the interests of the princes and nobles. Although his orders benefited a lot, they were also blocked.
The first emperor also encountered many natural disasters, and the concubines in the harem were even more restless. Finally, the first emperor couldn’t hold on, which was called Wen Wang’s disappointment, resigned and left Jiangnan.
If the first emperor had not been lingering in his deathbed, he would have resisted all kinds of pressure and obstructed it. I am afraid that now it is another situation.
For a long time, Cai Xiang always sighed, "If the temple can be such a minister, what else can it be?" As the temple said, in the middle of this struggle for a long time, I almost forgot my original wish
Looking forward to creating a prosperous and prosperous world together, we will live up to what you and I said today. "
Even the imperial court officials, Zhuge Hou, believed that Cai Xiang loved the handle in his hand, and that he would not give in if he was not far away.
I don’t know that he is a lonely man on high, but no one knows his mind except the emperor, but now the emperor doesn’t know how long he can hold on, and he can do what he wants without his confidant.
But if so, the result will be like everyone’s guess.
Fortunately, A Jiu has the same love and talent as her father, and their ideas are all the same. They want to change the present situation, just like the political reform led by King Wen.
In other words, A Jiu is Cai Xiang expecting that confidant and that monarch.
Actually, Cai, who is perfect, is far away from Wen Wang. A Jiu didn’t say anything at the moment, but how can the old fox not know?
"In a few days, please visit the temple to see my sincerity."
Cai Xiang left such a sentence when he left, but A Jiu can roughly guess that it is the so-called cleaning category
But if so, A Jiu’s last bad feelings about Cai Xiang have almost gone.
A Jiu Cai Xiang’s conversation came as no surprise to the emperor, who lamented his daughter’s boldness but didn’t say anything, because if all goes well, he can really rest assured.
Sure enough, after three or five days, Cai Xiang’s so-called sincerity A Jiu saw it