
"Strictly speaking, hell will destroy the original world when it is robbed in quantity, and everything in the old world will be eventually destroyed. When the original world absorbs the foundation of the original world, it will definitely turn to a higher level and become the reincarnation of the original world. You will definitely be able to achieve the realm of heaven and man and become a real causal respect." Wang Gangyin entered the hell.

"But the universe hell master will not let you rob belongs to his chance you will have a life-and-death battle! Be careful yourself. "
"To kowtow to the master’s grace and say that you will not lose face to the master" came out from The six great divisions in the wheel of karma, and the divine voice of The six great divisions in the wheel of karma tilted in Wang Gang’s direction for three crazy operations.
Several ghastly palaces appear in the hell, and the yellow Forgotten River is full of bones, which runs through the whole hell.
Behind the evil mirror platform, a huge platform is also a huge mirror by appearing in front of it. In the real world, everything in it is the only way for all the dead to look back at their loved ones.
Gray-white stone bridges fly out of The six great divisions in the wheel of karma and stand in the Forgotten River with an older flavor.
"I didn’t expect that Wangxiangtai and Naiqiao in the world war I were stolen by Yan Yan this fellow." Chen Yiming’s face was suddenly enlightened
Hell is still changing. To really open it, there are still many problems that need to be dealt with sternly. There are many aspects that need the player’s assistance. "Strictly speaking, the path of causality leads directly to the realm of heaven and man, and now I am relieved that I am on the right track."
Take back your gaze at hell. Wang Gang turned to Linli and asked, "Tao?"
"The Way of Heaven and Earth Running" stands in a straight face and says without hesitation that he understands the avenue. This "The Way of Heaven and Earth Running" is the road to success that he has heard from Wang Gang for hundreds of millions of years and realized by himself.
"Idiot wrong all wet! Tao I am the Tao! " Wang Gang’s big drink rang in Linli’s ears, and then he pointed to the sky one by one. "I am stupid and I am the heaven!" This is your way! "
"Quiet is against your lack of heart, and your heart is like a road to success." Wang Gang pointed out the direction of cultivation with a face of criticism.
"The realm of heaven and man, the unity of heaven and man! It’s about measuring the world itself. So that’s it. I get it. I finally get it. "Lin Li’s eyes are still a little confused at first, but listening to Wang Gang’s explanation, the light in his eyes is getting brighter and brighter. Finally, his face suddenly realizes that he is dancing with excitement and tears in his eyes. Kneel and thank Wang Gang.
"I stand up like Wang Gang, one finger at a time, one finger at a time, and one drink resounds through the world. After saying this sentence, my face is full of laughter, and my soul is suddenly broken and completely integrated into this world.
The earth’s heaven suddenly revealed a little pure white and transparent, and the spirit poured into it. In the eyes of all people, heaven and earth suddenly seemed to change more than vivid.
"Once you have an epiphany, I am heaven and I am Tao" has just disappeared, and it is calmer in your eyes than at the moment when you show your figure. What Jiang Debing and Chen Yiming see is the most mysterious world. All the mysteries of the world have entered their hearts and are buried in the depths of their souls.
"Go to the incarnation of heaven is the beginning. When you can reverse the rules of heaven and earth, when you can control everything in the world, you will become a real heaven and man." Wang Gang looked at Linli with a smile in his eyes. He knew Linli’s state at this time.
Because of this state, Wang Gang lasted for several years at the time of the first world, and he bent down slightly and disappeared completely.
Lin Li incarnates heaven, and every move represents God’s will. Wang Gang is very strong, but he has no resilience. His slight bending is already the limit of Wang Gang’s endurance. If Lin Li really kneels and gives thanks, Wang Gang is absolutely seriously injured.
"Jiang Debing, in your previous life, you have always been adhering to the concept of justice and destroying human desires. Even if you accept disciples, you will also accept rich people, but in the end they betrayed you one by one. Do you know why?"
"Master, the so-called high and low points of everything are just a means for my brother to raise himself. It’s so sad and ridiculous to think about it at this time. Although I have awakened my memory in this life for several years, I have become white, strong and weak, which is the true meaning of the so-called high and low jokes." Jiang Debing showed a look of remembrance, including pride, pain and sorrow, but in the end they all turned into a free and easy face
"It’s good that you are white. You were too persistent in your previous life, but you didn’t know that saints and ants are the same in heaven. At most, their strength is different." Wang Gang continued to point out that "this side of the world will surely become wider than the wild, but now it is like a chicken, holding the artifact in your hand. At the moment you opened up the world, you were doomed to let the chicken break its shell and let it really unfold."
"Go ahead, your Tao is there!" In Jiang Debing’s eyes, Wang Gang pointed to the ground, and Jiang Debing suddenly laughed in vain. Suddenly, a big sail with gray chaotic gas appeared in his hand, which directly broke a crack. Inside the crack, the temperature was terrible and magma flowed to the extreme.
He didn’t hesitate to kneel down. Xie Wanggang pointed out that he was striding into the crack. The sail in his hand kept shaking, and the flowing magma was fixed and rushed all the way. Behind him, the crack was getting bigger and bigger. Even on the ground, Wang Gang could feel the earth shaking slightly. To be continued.
Chapter 5 Names of People
"Don’t look at the chicken is not so good to break, otherwise it won’t become your second brother’s foundation. After breaking the chicken, your second brother will naturally have a chance. If he can successfully understand the realm of heaven and man, he can easily step over it." Looking at Chen Yiming, his eyes are still staring at the underground Wang Gang said.
"Master, if I hadn’t given up my life in the robbery, he probably wouldn’t have died. Before he and I blocked the sword, I hated him in my heart, but I hated my 100 thousand brother in Xianshan because he was ruined by his high and low positions."
"But then I found out that I didn’t really hate what I called before." Chen Yiming smiled and his eyes were full of warmth. "And before the second brother really should be robbed, he said," I just gave him a good heart when it’s easy to break and strong to break. "
Wang Gang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. "It is good that you are white. Although your second brother is pedantic, he is not a brother. If that kind of stuff, he can’t be my second brother. He would rather let you misunderstand and want you to converge."
"And pure killing, although it raises your strength, is absolutely a way to reach the realm of heaven and man. Everything in heaven and earth has a yin and a yang. You knew that killing can raise your strength in your previous life, but you didn’t know that killing also blinded you at the same time."
"The true spirit wears away most of your strength, but at the same time, it makes you feel grateful!"
"Pure killing becomes a way. I know that your mind is resolute. If you are asked to go to eat fast and recite Buddha and purdue sentient beings, you will never be able to do it." Wang Gang looked at Chen Yiming’s face and felt relieved. Some Nai continued, "Killing becomes a way, then it will be robbed. If you can absorb and refine the power into the body with four swords, it will be more horrible than killing."
"And at the same time, it can make you achieve the fruit of heaven and man!"
"The terror of the master’s doom is worse than that of the master’s doom. Even if my strength is not reduced, the master will not harm me. I am very curious, such as avoiding myself from going deep into the doom." Chen Yiming’s face is very dignified. The previous life’s doom was entangled in the law to escape, and the eternal holy body and soul were finally wiped out.
"To avoid? If you practice robbery, the transportation capacity itself is robbery and everyone is robbery. If you absorb the amount of robbery, you are the most horrible sharp knife in the robbery. If you can kill it from the amount of robbery, you are the world’s main robbery. Even if it is the incarnation of heaven, you can slay it. "
"If there is a trace of fear in your heart, you will die in a big disaster. If you don’t want to go the other way …" Wang Gang explained that Chen Yiming’s eyes were brighter and brighter.
"Master, don’t say that the second kind of luck cultivation is the most suitable way for me." Chen Yiming quickly replied at this time as if he was afraid that Wang Gang would suddenly change his mind and let him practice other avenues.
"Remember that if the mind is not firm enough, it will be difficult to escape the tragic field." Wang Gang sighed, although there are other ways for Chen Yiming to practice to the realm of heaven and man, but if he wants to practice to the realm of heaven and man because of the disagreement with Chen Yiming, it will take at least one time.
"This is all my feelings about the robbery. Take it to practice. Before practicing, it is best to put the four swords in the original world level 4, so that you can get away in the amount robbery."
"Adding the effect of consolidating the original world should enable you to have several merits in the original world to help you through the most difficult time." Finally, Wang Gang was not at ease.
It’s better to rob the transportation capacity and practice than to take a wrong step. Even if Wang Gang achieves the realm of heaven and man, there is no way to help him. No matter how much preparation he makes, it is necessary and necessary.
"Yes, thank you, master." Chen Yiming didn’t leave immediately, but asked Wang Gang with a full face of curiosity. "What is the realm after the sage realm of master is the realm of heaven and man?"
"God has himself, sage, heaven and man destroy the name of the road flyover! After heaven and man, it is a human realm. Go, when you reach the realm of heaven and man, you will naturally be white. Let me say that I don’t know clearly. It is even more impossible for you to listen to white. There is no place except when the waves are on. "Wang Gang’s face with a nai look was discovered by him before he fell.
But at that time, before he came to practice, he was born, and the holy witch, Qin Huang Ying Zheng, collapsed the whole world and wiped out the eternal celestial bodies and souls at the cost of his own life. There was no chance.
"If I can understand it a year earlier, I estimate that I have reached the realm of human beings", I secretly sigh with emotion and watch the excitement. Chen Yiming disappears by sword light in just a blink of an eye, and a cover-up painting covers the whole earth and then hides and disappears. Four swords with killing power hang like planets on the earth, and China and the United States finally disappear.
"Zhang Mi, you and Chen Yiming are just the opposite. Being weak in sex is also creative, but only creative, you are not perfect. Creativity corresponds to death. Without death, you will never touch the door of heaven and man."
Ignore the face and smile has disappeared. Zhang Mi Wang Gang pointed his hand at Zhang Mi, and all of them felt the death force in Zhang Mi’s soul. Zhang Mi was poor and full of vitality, and a little darkness was born in the ultimate vitality.
"The limit of life is death, and when you can really balance the power of life and death, it is the day when you achieve the realm of heaven and man!" After Wang Gang explained, he continued, "But if you want to truly understand death, it is absolutely impossible to have a feeling. Only by constantly witnessing death can you truly understand the power of death."
"This time, I order you to be the main soldier of our gate, and all the killings will be carried out by you!" Zhang Mi’s face changed, and his look was more than a struggle. Wang Gang’s eyes were cold and said, "If you want to achieve the realm of heaven and man, there is this way. Although the original world is sublimated, it can accommodate at most one strong person in the realm of heaven and man. If you can’t achieve the realm of heaven and man in the catastrophe, you have always dreamed of absolute realization." To be continued.
Chapter 51 Kill Wang Gangren
"Master, do you mean that the demon race can still appear?" To turn pale Zhang Mi after hearing Wang Gang’s last words, his heart was brighter than his excited eyes.
"That’s the original world of nature. After constantly absorbing the debris and energy of the wild world, its vitality is definitely ten times higher than that of the wild world. So the density of terror can turn everything into a demon."