
This kind of scum shouldn’t live in this world. Looking at Chen Jiyuan’s cowardly sample, Changchun mercilessly scolded him and felt sad for his master.

Losing his mother, who loved him the most, changed from being envied by everyone and held in the hands of the queen and princess Zhao to being bullied by everyone in Zhao Wangfu.
How much did he lose?
I can’t figure out the account. I can’t figure out how to do it.
Changchun remembered Xie Ting sitting alone in the cloister of the courtyard with Huang, but I couldn’t help raising my hand and wiping my eyes all day.
People like this deserve to die! Hell is light.
Chen Jiayan started to chase Xie Ting, but his expression stretched out his hand and pulled him "don’t chase"
Not chasing? Don’t let him go?
Chen Jiayan can’t do it, even if he is a king now, don’t even think about it in front of him, but stop him and kill this man.
Xie ting took two bows from Changchun’s hand next to him and handed Chen jiayan a concise "this"
Yeah, what’s this chasing?
Let him enjoy the thrill of running for his life, and let him have a taste of all the sufferings that the Chens have suffered.
Chen Jiayan took aim at the extremely fast figure and said, "Don’t shoot to death!"
It’s too cheap for him to die like this.
Chen Jiayan let go of the left arrow and plunged it into Chen Jiayan’s left leg. He let out a cry, and his legs burst and he fell to the ground, holding his left leg and crying.
Xie Ting Chen Jiayan approached him and looked at him condescendingly. "So you have followed him for so many years and learned nothing. It’s your turn to pay the price."
Who made the Chen family almost extinct? Who made the four-year-old children Chen Jiayan and Xie Ting fall from heaven to hell? Now it’s time to pay the price one by one!
"Don’t!" Ji-yuan Chen choked back the pain and shrank back, crying for Xie Ting and Ji-yuan Chen "Please, please look at the same surname Chen and leave me alone!" Leave me alone! "
"That you what all don’t see in the same family name is Chen leave us alone? ! What, you won’t let grandpa go? What you don’t leave my father alone? What you don’t leave my mother alone! " Chen Jiayan lost his mind, threw his bow and seized Chen Jiyuan’s skirt with both hands and picked him up and turned a blind eye. "What didn’t you look at our family name Chen Mian at that time? ! Huh? !”
Chen Jiyuan sobbed again and couldn’t hold back his tears. "Then you can’t kill me either. This case was sentenced by the third division. I wasn’t sentenced to death. You can’t kill me. You can’t kill me!"
Cann’t kill? Why not kill!
Now who cares if the dog kills him anyway? No one cares.
Chen Jiayan sneered at a loose hand and looked at Chen Jiyuan, who sat down heavily on the ground and squinted at him. "I said I can. You can’t get out of here alive today. If you don’t believe me, just try."
This is to come true. These two dead children really want to kill themselves. Chen Jiayan realized this fact and cried more vigorously. "But there is something in my hand! You know, you know, how can I destroy the Chen family alone? I still have evidence. I can help you! I can help you. You don’t know, your father is the most hateful. "
Xie Ting stretched out his foot and kicked Chen Jiyuan, who was almost epileptic, out again and sneered, "I know I know everything, so I know more that you don’t have your hand and nothing to write to you. It’s Zheng Guangshi. What can you do to help me? !”
Chen Jiyuan’s eyes are wide open and he can’t talk. He should finally urinate in front of everyone.
Changchun covered his nose and mouth and gave him a look of disgust. I didn’t expect the Chen family to be such a coward. No wonder the Chen family was killed with such a villain.
People are afraid of shame, thick skin and no sense of shame. It really is.
Chen Jiayan kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, but no one looked at him anymore and didn’t even hit him.
It seems that Chen Jiyuan didn’t fight, but his left leg was hurt by an arrow, but it began to hurt again.
He can’t escape quickly when his leg is injured. He is thinking about the posterior route rapidly in his mind.
Xie Ting made a half-ring and pointed back at Chen Jiyuan. "Take him away!"
Where to? Where are we going? Chen Jiyuan howled like a pig, but he had an ominous premonition, but he was dragged away by several people.
There is sand all the way, and Chen Jiyuan can attract more dust when he eats a lot of sand and grins, so that he can close his mouth and dare not cry any more.
Chen Jiayan pulling Xie Ting to go that way "no! We can’t just let him go! I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him myself! "
"benefactor!" Someone shouted, I’m about to be enchanted. Chen Jiayan stopped manually. Some machines turned their heads and saw a monk coming to the gate.
It’s a monk who seems familiar. It seems that the same monk called himself just now in the mountain.
This is Qingliang Temple. This monk is probably a monk here or a walking monk. Although Chen Jiayan still killed his heart, he stopped to put his hands together and read the Buddhist name "Master Amitabha has advice?"
"You come!" The monk smiled, but no longer waved to him. He called Xie Ting and asked him, "Are you angry?"
Xie Ting seemed to know him very well. He walked up to him and folded his hands and made a ceremony, saying, "It’s not over."
Alas! After all, this can’t be solved, and it can’t be solved by two Buddhist names and a few Buddhist scriptures.
The monk shook his hand and rushed to Xie Ting. "Then you can go."
Xie Ting should be a turn to pull Chen Jiayan and go in the direction where Chen Jiyuan was taken away just now.