
Zhuge Yue was defeated by Nan Lichuan more than once …

However, there must be some circuitous policies towards Nanlichuan!
You can’t just tell him that this door can’t be taken back.
So Zhuge Yue said, "This door is our back door. If we take this door off, we can’t go back!"
All kinds of threats and inducements made Nan Lichuan finally give up the idea of tearing down this heavy local gold door and bringing it back. It’s like taking a final photo for this door with your own eyes!
But I’m still reluctant to go …
In the end, the temptation of the outside world is much bigger than a door!
-dividing line-
Zhuge Yue and Nan Lichuan really saw others wake up from the nightmare city on their own when they got back!
Others are eager to communicate what they met in their dreamland …
One night, like a stranger, sitting there alone seems to be hit hard. His eyes are glazed and he looks at the ground and doesn’t know what to think!
Zhuge Yue strode over and put his hand on his shoulder. "What’s wrong with you?"
He will wake up if he comes near him for three steps, but this time it’s different. He didn’t feel like a dream until she photographed him. Chapter 594 (1) Ancient country of refining medicine
He will wake up if he steps closer to her, but this time it’s different. He didn’t wake up until she photographed him!
This is wrong. This is very wrong …
Night like a stranger has never been so relaxed …
"Do you have something on your mind?" See the night like a stranger very not easy to huanguo to god ZhuGeYue hurriedly asked!
She will hide herself at night like a stranger, but this time he told the whole story.
"I have a younger brother"
A few words, but like a stuffy bell, struck her heart hard!
"What? Aren’t you an orphan? "
"No … my father is a god king …"
Listen to the night like a stranger and finish this sentence. Zhuge Yue has been vaguely able to guess what!
In the end, the night was like a stranger who really said the answer that she couldn’t believe. "Mulan killed my father!"
See ZhuGeYunLan aside noncommittally night like stranger increasingly confirmed his judgment that his dream is true …
He clenched his fist secretly, and his teeth couldn’t help shaking to recognize the thief’s father for more than twenty years, but it ended like this!
Nan Lichuan came over and saw that the night was like a stranger, and his whole face was not very good. He simply chose to comfort him …
"Small momo although I don’t understand what you said! But I believe you, you are a good person, and good people will be rewarded! "
Are good people really rewarded? The night is like a stranger, and a stream of blood is boiling in his chest. If it weren’t for him and his brother, the eunuch would not have died with his family …
There seems to be something stirring in his heart, but in the face of Nan Lichuan, he nodded silently!
Zhuge Yue knows that he is eager for revenge!
"Did you see your brother in your nightmare?" Zhuge Yue couldn’t help but ask to see the night shaking her head like a stranger. She hurriedly looked at Zhuge Yunlan. Zhuge Yunlan naturally hoped that she would tell the night like a stranger, but he shook his head and said that he didn’t know!
"Mulan must be some kind of power to seal your brother’s true identity!"
"In that case, let’s hurry to find a way out and find your brother and kill Mulan to comfort your father!"
The night is like a stranger nodding, and there is a faint flame in his eyes, which is driven by that hateful force. He feels that his body seems a little uncomfortable!
But in the face of Zhuge Yue, he didn’t say anything, but silently swallowed the uncomfortable feeling!
Everyone passed the nightmare city and then walked on the third floor. There is a feeling that Zhuge Yue walked into the alchemy room!
So many Dan furnaces can almost be compared with Jiang Qinghua’s night room!
In those Dan furnaces, there sat a woman with a lotus-pink skirt and delicate makeup, sitting cross-legged as if she were a stone carving, and suddenly she disappeared …
"What the hell is this?" Zhuge Yue couldn’t help but cry that the invisibility of Nanyue Obsidian has the same effect!
So she turned the ring and Nanyue Yao came out bleary-eyed, as if he would never get enough sleep!
"Call me?" He stared at Zhuge Yue, who has been self-sufficient recently. He and his balls haven’t appeared for a long time!
Zhuge Yue nodded and pointed to the front. "There is a woman sitting there. She seems to be the same as you. We can’t find her. If we can’t find her, we can’t find her … The method leads to the ancient country of refining medicine on the fourth floor. (2)